Women blog

Wednesday 15 May 2013

No fuel to run a household.....

I don’t know if the problem is local to my country……or my community or my locality…… but I’m quite sure that on reading about this you all from different part5s of the world will at least be alert if not worried….. Yes its anemia what I’m going to discuss today……About 32% of married women in my nation India is suffering from this and the reason is not poor diet in all the cases nor it’s the inability to fetch iron rich food to the lady by the household, but its pure negligence……..Customs and superstitions are so much provoked and provoking in some places such that the woman or the prime director of the household merely forgets to take iron rich food and as usual no one’s there to care for the caretaker.
And the places where there is a bit of poverty, it’s a brilliant situation in this respect. When there is not enough milk for the infant, children are starving, the mother is rarely expected to get beetroots and roughages…….when she is in the shear need no one gives a dammn to her needs………
Its time for us to change the scenario.. If the CEO of our households doesn’t have enough blood to run in the veins, who’s going to guarantee the stable operation of the same…

Sunday 12 May 2013

Domestic Violence spread Internationally..........

I need not repeat time and again that the people of developed nations may feel that I am presenting fairy tales in front of you. Even if you think then let me clarify that you people too need to know what is the actual scenario of the rest of the world and their female population.
            Today I am going to discuss about DOMESTIC VIOLENCE. It is a form of torture or harassment faced by women in their households itself. And frankly speaking it's not so easy to say f**k off to your husband and get out of the hell in a part of the world... nor a lady does have enough courage to go to the cops and register a complaint against the culprits. The society plays a big malicious role in this context. The one(women) who speaks a word against her spouse is looked down upon in the society. The tortures include physical abuse by either the husband or his parents or both of the parties. sometimes the girl is forced to bring dowries from her own parents to fulfil the wishes of the household. Even cases of brutal sexual torture (not only by the spouse) have been registered in some countries. The worst form of it goes when the girl is killed or burnt alive, but mostly cases of fake suicide and immense mental stress leading to the actual one are found prominent.
I know very well that some of you may find it too unusual and impossible and some may find the other way round i.e. a common phenomenon, nothing to be done or nothing new, but friends its us the learned and aware people who have bothered to read me till now who have to raise our voices against this brutality in the house of humanity where a girl dreams to find her heaven....You may or mayn't be the one who have gone through this kind of action, or maybe the intensity was not that much as I mentioned . but guys these things do happen but very less reported.....but surely not to be neglected. I would love to see ur responses and experiences or your level of anger or agreement whatever..... so please write off ur comments... I am waiting eagerly

Saturday 11 May 2013

Female Foeticide - a PERIL to third World

I know its hard to believe for those people who do not belong to the third world countries, what I am going to discuss today.....
Yes, female foeticide: It is the destruction of female foetus inside the mother's uterus only after sex determination using the advanced scientific tools related to endoscopy......Sex determination is illegal in most of the countries and so is female infant foeticide.
But hardly 60 percent of the nations heed to these rules strictly and rest..........rest are still not fully rescued from this peril..... In many of the countries this evil practice goes on if not in public then under the table, in exchange of money.... the so-called multispeciality hospitals having huge banners appearing as "Sex determination is banned", have special cells who are engaged in foeticide practice assuring a steady income to the hospital's desk.....
We the cultivated people may think that all these are not our matters of concern...But friends, if not we people then whos gonna stop these practices, the common man has to understand the significance of women in our society and the intensity of criminality associated with these practices.A life is not the property of those who bring it to the earth but an asset over whose everyone of us is credible....... so, please share ur experiences and if no such then suggest methods to stop this practice.........Remember "every child is special..."

Friday 10 May 2013

Professional Hierarchy in corporate field....................

All of us more or less belong to the working group or are supposed to do so in future.
In  this context let me tell you a story.......It goes like....... My elder brother was on his day of campus placements.. The rule was somewhat like, there is a basic minimum salary amount on which you "the candidate selected" can negotiate and come up to the final amount...... My bro and her fiance both went for it and both of them got the same job.
but after some while they realized that the fiance was not offered any kind of negotiations @all...... whereas my bro increased the said amount threefold.
                             Like this there are a lot of instances where women, qualified women are denied their legitimate claims in the working sectors at par with the equally or even less qualified men. The most intriguing fact about this is that who does it??????????
The so called reputed companies who have got license to trade in various nations. They assure to safeguard the labour interests and meanwhile exploit the human resources at extremely low wages.The question arises that why the women are resilient to it........
Let me explain.......................taking the example of my brother's fiance the only thing she could do was to put down that job... But knowing the fact that the next company which is gonna come is going to do the same to her , accepting it was the last option......this is how the MNCs are exploiting women of developing nations. The women in need of money or stricken with poverty have no way rather kneel down before these policies......... we await your valuable suggestions to get away with this problem in this hour of need to financially empower women............

Thursday 9 May 2013

Wat are we UP to?

Hey!!!you must be thinking that its an NGO or kinda thing.....Sorry to say but its NOT.
We are not here to protest any kind of authority or campaign against a government.
Rather we are here to foster social awareness amongst people, especially amongst women
against most of the crimes,malpractices and the social injustice occuring here and there throughout the world.....
Our gameplan is to collect the experiences and opinions of different men and women across the globe regarding the abovesaid issues and discuss these in an open forum and figure out solutions to them and making other women aware of the situations they may be vulnerable to..... so come on friends... guy or a gal,young or old, affected or not.....victim or her buddy....or just a common man or may be a common woman....feel free to share your experiences.... and we are eagerly awaiting your valuable opinions.......